eclipse och lite annat ;)
Yesterday a butterfly
Came floating gently through the sky.
He soared up through the atmosphere
Then drifted close enough to hear.
I said, "I'd love to fly with you
And sail around the way you do.
It looks like it would be such fun
To fly up toward the summer sun.
But I have not your graceful charm.
I haven't wings, just these two arms.
I've been designed to walk around.
My human feet must touch the ground.
Then magically he spoke to me
and told me what his wish would be.
He said, "What I'd love most to do
Is walk upon God's Earth with you,
To squish it's mud between my toes
Or touch my finger to my nose.
I'd love just once to walk around
With human feet to touch the ground,
But I have not two legs that swing,
I haven't arms, just these two wings."
And so we went our separate ways
In wonder and surprise.
For we'd both seen God's precious gifts
Through someone else's eyes.
budskapet: man måste ta vara på det man har, istället för att slösa bort sitt liv på att vara besviken på vad man inte har. något för mig att tänka på, och troligen för många andra också.
picture from venice, I've been in italy, remember? right before/after I took a little break from my blog <3
yes I love english, it's nicer than swedish.. haha nanana
buonanotte, buenas noches, goodnight, godnatt
italiano, español, english, svenska, bara för att ;)